Hi !

It's been a long while since I first thought of putting up a blog like this. Who has time, right? But now, I finally got around it.

These pages serve as a journal of my hobby, my home electronic experiments, which help me keep my sanity and take my mind off the day-to-day. Plus, they seem to be useful for documentation purposes, in case I ever wanted to refer back to past problems and solutions. I also hope that some of this may be useful to other home electronics enthusiasts out there.

Why such title to this website? After all, my life is certainly anything but boring. Perhaps a better description would be - projects done out of general restlessness. I do them, cause I just can't NOT do them!

Anyways, here we go! These are some of the things I've put my hands on (more or less successfully):

List of Projects


Yours truly,

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