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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.
You could use a IFTTT recipe (only on Android) to activate an app or process that would tell the RaspPi to turn the computer on. The recipe could be like (If I connect to my Home Wifi.... then turn pc on)
Perhaps you can build a small device that plugs into USB port and initiates a computer wakeup USB HID call. I've done that with my Arduino-based IR remote controller:
Instead of IR, you could use a BT module and have your phone send a command to it this way.
Of course, your suggestion of tapping directly to PS_ON pin on motherboard would also work. You would still need some kind of device to implement connection to your phone.
Thanks for the tip about IFTTT. I am not familiar with it, but it looks very interesting. Will read up on it!
I am interested to buy a prototype unit of 'Home Energy Monitoring system' that you have described in your website. May I know what is the cost and how I can arrange for shipping.
Unfortunately, I can't help you there. I do these projects as a hobby, for my own amusement and it doesn't make sense for me to build a few additional units for sale. However, all the code and instructions are open source, so anybody is free to duplicate the designs or improve on them, whether it is for profit or not.
Could you please inform us if the Home Energy Monitoring System project at this date, April 2018 has had improvements?
Could you offer us your consulting services in a personalized way.
Thank you for your attention and your prompt response.
Best regard.
At this time I'm no longer actively developing this project. I've done this as a hobby four years ago and since then moved on to other projects. However I am still trying to support it by answering questions.
If you are interested in personalized support, I'd be happy to discuss it with you off line, per email. Please write to me at boredman
Best regards,
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