1. The Purpose (Mission)

  • Have single place to document and archive project related info
  • Share this info with community of fellow enthusiasts, in case any of this may be useful to somebody
  • Try it, since I've never done anything like this before!


2. Components


3. Progress Report

Since I'm a complete newbie at modern web technologies, I had no idea how to even approach all this. So, I started with Google Sites. They have a decent, easy to use online tool for creating web pages.

Two things I didn't like, though:

1. every link on my page they replaced with some sort of redirect to google, before switching user to the target site. I guess this way they track links and click history, somehow.

2. the address of my web site would have to be something like: sites_google_com/boredomprojects. That didn't appeal to me much (vanity?), so instead I purchased my own domain name and web space package from 1and1.

I also tried web building tool from 1and1 and found it to be too limited.

After some research, I discovered Joomla! I had no idea what that actually was, but decided to try it anyways, seeing just how popular this tool was. I was lucky, it had everything I was looking for. Another lucky coincidence was that my host 1and1 supported Joomla and its required components, like MySQL.

In a few clicks, I had Joomla installed in my web space, without knowing anything at all about PHP, CSS, SQL, HTML, etc. After that, it was a matter of experimentation with settings and finally, voila! we have this site!


Thanks to JComments and AutoTOC for their free and very useful extensions.


3.1. Setting up SEO parameters

For the Sitemap I decided to use XML version, generated using this online tool: www.xml-sitemaps.com. Eventually, when I learn how to use Xmap Joomla extension, I may switch to it instead.

Also, and I use these two SEO analysis tools: www.seoworkers.com/tools/analyzer.html and www.seorch.eu to check structural and meta data.



By the way, I would be happy to receive comments, suggestions, improvement ideas. Thanks!


UPDATE Nov.2015 - Unfortunately, thanks to spammers, I had to disable commenting for unregistered people in all articles.


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